Towards a Geography of Fiction

It all starts with the supposedly simple questions: Where is literature set and why there? Europe offers an abundant wealth of fictionalised landscapes and cities. The nascent research area of literary geography / literary cartography aims at visibly rendering such complex overlays of real and fictional geographies. Against this background that an interactive prototype of a »Literary Atlas of Europe« is currently under development at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich.



Reading with Maps – A Plea

Barbara Piatti Reading with Maps. Plea for a viualised Geography of Fiction (Original title: Mit Karten lesen. Plädoyer für eine visualisierte Geographie der Literatur) → Download at the bottom of the page Barbara Piatti: Mit Karten lesen. Plädoyer für eine visualisiere Geographie der Literatur. In: Boothe, B., Bühler, P. et al. (Hrsg.): Textwelt -Lebenswelt. Interpretation [...]


Spatial Uncertainty in Fiction

Anne-Kathrin Reuschel Mapping Literature: Visualisation of Spatial Uncertainty in Fiction → Download at the bottom of the page Abstract:The interdisciplinary project 'A Literary Atlas of Europe' aims to develop an interactive atlas as a research tool for spatial analysis of literature. The central questions of where do stories take place and what interactions exist between [...]


Density Estimation of Literary Spaces

Hans Rudolf Bär Improved Density Estimation for the Visualisation of Literary Spaces → Download at the bottom of the page Abstract: The elements that constitute the literary space can mainly be described by categories such as settings, zones where actions take place and routes along which characters move. Apart from the presentation of the specific [...]

Neu York - Melissa Gould

Mapping Counterfactual Spaces

Barbara Piatti, Lorenz Hurni Mapping the Ontologically Unreal – Counterfactual Spaces in Literature and Cartography → Download at the bottom of the page This paper deals with the realm of alternate worlds. Although the emphasis of such creations relies on historical alteration (resulting in an alternate time stream), settings can impressively support the historical alternative: [...]

The Cartographic Journal

Cartographies of Fictional Worlds

Barbara Piatti, Lorenz Hurni Cartographies of Fictional Worlds (Editorial) → Download at the bottom of the page This editorial provides an overview about past and current developments in the dynamic field of literary geography/literary cartography. It also alludes to the collection of papers presented in this special issue dedicated to »Cartographies of Fictional Worlds« – [...]

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