Central Switzerland in Fiction (Documentary)
Literarische Innerschweiz – eine filmische Annäherung von Claudia Schmid (2011) Die Vierwaldstättersee-Gotthard-Region ist zweifellos eine der am dichtesten beschriebenen Literaturlandschaften Europas. Barbara Piatti, Literaturwissenschaftlerin Die spektakuläre Landschaft der Vierwaldstättersee-Region mit ihren Tälern und Berggipfeln hat literarische Spuren hinterlassen. Namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren der Weltliteratur sowie zahlreiche lokal verankerte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller haben sich schreibend mit [...]
Berlin Novels and Urban Topography
Giannina Leonie Widmer: » "over the Wall" and the hole in the middle of Berlin. Berlin literature before and after the reunification – from a literary geography perspective« (Master thesis, University of Basel 2010) Map 2a: Peter Schneider »Der Mauerspringer« (1982) Frame story layer © Giannina Widmer, Basel Map 2b: Peter Schneider »Der Mauerspringer« (1982) [...]
Northern Frisia – Space as Protagonist
Northern Frisia – Space as actor Kathrin Winkler Abstract: When space itself becomes the protagonist in stories that are set in Northern Frisia, it is usually the North Sea that intervenes in the plot. Its power to act (in form of floodings or storm surges) is always present and forms the backdrop against which the [...]
Model Region Northern Frisia
Northern Frisa – a literary-geographical observation Kathrin Winkler and Kim Seifert Abstract: This text provides an insight into the methods of the literary scholars within the project. Regarding literary texts set in Northern Frisia, the answer to the question, where the plot takes place, appears to be quite simple: on the western coast of Schleswig-Holstein. [...]
Case Study Engadin
Bäumler A. (2011): "Engadine as literary landscape. Literary geographically researches on the relation between text and space." (Master thesis, Univerity of Basel, 2011) Abstract: As one of the highest populated valleys in Europe, the Engadine marks a productive literary field. Clearly separated from urban areas and the flat country, but still sharply contrasting the mountainious [...]