unterkategorien projizierte Räume

Dreams, Longings, Memories – Visualising the Dimension of Projected Spaces in Fiction

Barbara Piatti, Anne-Kathrin Reuschel
Dreams, Longings, Memories – Visualising the Dimension of Projected Spaces in Fiction

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Abstract: In fictional, narrated worlds (literature, movies, graphic novels etc.) so-called projected spaces can play an important role. They have different qualities than settings, since they are created and called up via the imagination of the protagonists: Heros and heroines in novels are dreaming of, longing for or remembering places, both existing and imaginary ones. Projected spaces are introduced here as part of a genuine geography of fiction and hence subject to the currently dynamically developing field of mapping literature (also summarised under the term of "literary cartography"). The paper delivers first examples and some basic theoretical thoughts, before it moves on to the presentation of a set of newly designed map symbols for this specific spatial category. What can cartography add to a deeper understanding of projected spaces? The paper concludes with an outlook to a future research agenda.

More interessting research and information about projected places, can be found on the following page: → A Scientific Blog about Projected Places and → Memories, Dreams, Projected Spaces (both only in german)

Piatti, Barbara; Reuschel, Anne-Kathrin and Hurni, Lorenz (2013) : Dreams, Longings, Memories – Visualising the Dimension of Projected Spaces in Fiction. In: In: Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany 2013 → Download

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